Company Streamlines Automotive Sales Processes


This case study shows how an automotive company with offices located in multiple countries regionally, with a workforce exceeding 10,000 employees. The company was looking for a solution to streamline the automotive sales process. KUBE 365 BPA platform was selected for its scalable architecture, no-code capabilities and was easy to use, even for non-technical users.


The company required the platform to overcome the following key challenges.

Sales operational challenges

The automotive sales process is a complex operation that involves multiple departments scattered across different physical locations. This geographic dispersion creates significant barriers and contributes to the lengthy duration of the process, which can take up to weeks to complete.

With various departments involved, coordinating and aligning their efforts becomes a challenging task, adding to the overall complexity and time required for successful sales transactions.

Information management

Effective information management is crucial for the smooth functioning of any process, including automotive sales. However, this critical aspect is often hindered by challenges related to visibility. Information exists in diverse formats, including printed documents, emails, and different systems, which creates difficulties in ensuring proper traceability.

During audits, these visibility challenges pose significant obstacles, making it both time-consuming and challenging to determine the individuals accountable for specific decisions made at various stages of the sales process.


The company worked with KUBE 365 Consulting Services to design and deploy a Vehicle Sales Management solution built on the KUBE 365 Business Process Automation platform.

Streamlined digital sales process

The automotive sales process has been significantly improved by leveraging functionalities such as automated inter-process hand-offs, cross-departmental task assignments, and electronic signatures, the process has undergone a transformation. As a result of digitalization efforts, processing time has been reduced by up to 50%. The new sales process eliminated geological barriers and enabled all departments to participate seamlessly.

Digital audit trail

KUBE 365 comes built-in with Workflow History and Audit Log functions, ensuring that all relevant data for auditing is readily available and easily accessible. The consolidated system allows auditors to access the necessary information from a single platform, eliminating the need to search through multiple sources. This improved transparency and accessibility not only save time but also enhance the accuracy and reliability of the auditing process.

No-code low-code

With KUBE 365 intuitive no-code low-code features, the client was trained and up-skilled to administer the system independently. This independence in system administration ensures greater agility and efficiency in keeping up with evolving business requirements.

Multi-tenanted cloud deployment

KUBE 365's multi-tenanted cloud deployment makes it easy to scale resources as needed. This scalability is essential for organizations that need to be able to handle growth and changing demand. Additionally, the data isolation feature ensures that the data of each operating company is kept separate, which is important for compliance and security reasons.


The collaboration between KUBE 365 Consulting Services and the client was a success. The client was able to achieve their goals of digitizing complex processes, improving efficiency, and reducing costs. The client is now equipped with the knowledge and skills to digitize even more processes across the organisation.

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